Saturday, November 23, 2013

Nuclear Power for Iran

Some time ago, someone invented the bow and arrow. That gave them military superiority over their neighbors. It would have been convenient if they could forbid their friends and enemies to figure out how to build bows and arrows. Sadly for all of us, that couldn't be done. The idea was out there, and was inevitably duplicated and improved upon. That's the way it is.
 A long time before that, the Chinese invented explosives that they would use to entertain themselves in their celebrations. When Europeans saw these things, they immediately thought, "Hey, these are great! We can use this stuff for weapons to kill people!" Thus, the entire future of warfare was changed. No longer was it necessary to kill one man at a time!
 Along came World War Two. It was bloody, costly, and only necessary because a small group of megalomaniacs decided it was their destiny to rule the world. There was a race to develop new technology designed to destroy the maximum number of people in the shortest amount of time. A guy named Hitler had engineers and scientists working on new stuff like jets and nuclear bombs. Fortunately for us, we stopped Hitler in Europe before his team could come up with the new weapons. Otherwise, we'd all have to learn to speak German, which seems like a difficult language, and learn to eat food that we can't pronounce.
 Unfortunately, we still had to deal with Japan, a people who don't know how to quit. We figured out the nuclear bomb, and dropped a couple of them on Japan. After some thought, the Japanese decided to surrender. Thus began the nuclear age, the Age of Darkness.
 It was only a matter of time before Russia, China, France, and a few other players learned how to make the magic bomb. I will now release a well-known secret. Israel has the magic bomb, too. Now there is concern that Iran, a powerful nation that has no love for Israel, the US, or Europe, may develop a magic bomb themselves. We're asking them not to, and Israel is strongly hinting that they'll attack Iran before they'll allow them to have the Bomb.
 It boils down to this. We have learned to make a bow and arrow that can kill you, and we will kill you if you make a bow and arrow.

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