Sunday, December 08, 2013


This is an experiment. I'm titling this blog Malaysia to see if the computer trackers follow me even more if I mention the name of the nation they're based in. Malaysia! Quite frankly, it sounds like some sort of disease, something that you can cure with Pepto-Bismol, whatever that is. Malaysia! There, I've said it again. I don't know a single soul in Malaysia, and I don't even know what language they speak. Yes, people, I'm taunting malicious computers on the other side of the world. To be specific, they're in Malaysia! I'll keep you posted as to how this works out, unless, of course , they come to get me, in which case I'll be spirited away to Boston Harbor, wrapped in a canvas bundle, and shipped against my will to wherever Malaysia may be. I hope its nowhere near North Korea. Those guys are trapped in time, living two hundred years ago, with no idea what they're missing. Oh, my! Maybe I've pissed them off, too!

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